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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fatal Attraction Syndrome

ESPN's steve phillips is on the hot seat as depicted by the article on the nypost. allegedly, he had an extra-marital affair a la dave letterman although this time the mistress had a little episode of fatal attraction and things went downhill from there.

nevermind that he was a married man and a father of four boys (so much for setting the example). the alleged mistress reached out to his wife and kids in order to be closer to him. this is one of those cases where reality is stranger than fiction. this will probably make for a good episode of law and order.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Snowing in NJ in October, bbrrrr!

dear mother nature,

i do not appreciate the drastic drop in temperature mid-october along with the snowy winter mix. it went from the fall-like temperature to the winter-like temperature in a blink of an eye.

don't get me wrong, i like the cold but you're f-ing with my fashionista emotions here. all the cute fall wardrobe i bought and i only got a couple of wears out of it.

now i have to pull out my scarves, gloves, hats, winter coat/jackets and other winter gear. come to think of it, that's another excuse to find some new winter pieces for my wardrobe. so i guess i should be happy, i don't know now, i'm all confused!!!

signed: Cold in NJ

P.S. - i strongly suggest you go on webmd and see if self-diagnose for any mental disorders/chemical imbalances, methinks you might need to start taking meds to control these mood swings.

Monday, October 12, 2009

And I Said Let There Be Heat

It's mid-October in the northeast and I have spent the entire day sitting at the kitchen table working from home and wearing multiple layers of clothing. Today's high were around the low 50's, yikes. My fingers are turning purple and I'm getting a scratchy throat. It's time to turn on the heat in the house.

On other relevant news, the yankees won, woo hoo! How about that A-Rod finally playing like he's the highest-paid player, uh? I won't say too much about A-Rod at the moment because he plays for my yankees.

And do not let me forget the POTUS was awarded the Nobel peace prize. I bet Rush's blood pressure was through the roof last Friday when he got the news.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October is here

Giants are 4-0 and Yankees won their division. Life isn't perfect but it's not terrible either.

Now, those cowboys need to re-consider bringing T.O. back to their line-up.