About Me

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is Important in Life?

Lately there have been news at the work place that are life-altering for everyone. Given the slow job-market, we've been lucky so far to not have been targeted with lay-offs but sometimes life itself will throw at curve-ball at us that make a lay-off seem an alternative one would be willing to consider if given an option. The things I'm referring to are death-threatening illnesses to co-workers and their family members which has prompted many of us to put life into perspective, including myself.

I've always considered myself to be a career-driven person and I have, in some instances, put my career ahead of myself and my loved ones which is something not to be too proud of. The question is, how does one break such cycle? How does one make such a shift so that life becomes more important that work when all one has ever done is pretty much the opposite in this financial turmoil?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Scheduled Posting Interrupted

Mind is too preoccupied with the yankees and the world series. Have lots on my mind regarding the elections but can't think straight while the yankees are on the brink of winning their 27th title.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Survived Halloween!

This is the first time I've spent halloween at our current residence. I didn't know how much candy I should purchase for the little ones that were bound to ring my door bell. I purchased an assorted bag of goodies from costco, figured couldn't go wrong with that.

The door bell did ring several times towards the latter part of the afternoon, thank goodness. I was getting nervous I would be stuck with all the sweets at home. The best costumes were worn by the youngest, they were too cute holding their plastic pumkins while saying 'trick or treat!'. Meanwhile, the Mister cringed as he watched the kids walk across the lawn, aawww. I tried to onvince him that the kiddies didn't do too much damage as all the leaves that covered the lawn were 'protecting' the grass.

Too bad the weather was crappy, hoping for better weather for next year's halloween.